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Seeking Partners - I'm Italian, and I need help with my English... - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: I'm Italian, and I need help with my English...

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I'm Italian, and I need help with my English...
As I said in the title, I'm an italian girl and I want to improve my English because I don't feel as confident as I would like. I'm also learning German and French, but I'm not very good. I'll obviously help everyone who needs help for the Italian. And, of course, make friends too =)

I'm not a gold member, so I don't know how to contact, sorry!

Language pair: Italian; English
October 21, 2007

Re:I'm Italian, and I need help with my English...
Hey Ayleen,

I can teach some English, I'm not English but I speak it quite good. I do need a lot of help for my Italian...

Can you help me? I'm not a golden member either. Maybe we can find a way to exchange our adresses?

Ciao, Melissa

Language pair: Italian; English
This is a reply to message # 120866

October 23, 2007


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