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Seeking Partners - Speak french and want to learn finnish? - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Speak french and want to learn finnish?

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Speak french and want to learn finnish?
Hi, I would like to find a partner who speaks native french. I would be glad to help with finnish and to certain extent, english. And like so many others, I am not a gold member, so...
Salut, je voudrais trouver une partenaire parlant francais comme langue maternelle. Je serais ravi de t'aider avec finnois ou anglais. Mon francais n'est pas trop bon, donc aide serait bien appréciée. Je ne suis pas un "gold member" (comme beaucoup de gens ici) et ce serait genial si tu pourrais me contacter.

Language pair: Finnish; French
November 3, 2007

Re:Speak french and want to learn finnish?

If you are still interested in learning french I can help you, I m from France. I am now trying to study finnish but it is not that easy. I really like your culture and your country that I know pretty well so I will be glad to help a finn :)

Language pair: Finnish; French
This is a reply to message # 121645
December 26, 2011

Re:Re:Speak french and want to learn finnish?
hi Laura Nice to meet every one£¡We are the most familiar stranger¡£I am a college student, likes foreign culture and the English language, especially envy can speak fluent English! But my English is not good, so I hope we can learn english together

Language pair: Finnish; French
This is a reply to message # 186472

February 19, 2012


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