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Seeking Partners - looking for French or English practice - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: looking for French or English practice

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# Message Posted By
looking for French or English practice
Hi everyone/ Salut tout le monde..

Im a 20,brazilian girl, Im looking for language practice with ppl fluent in English and/or French. Im interested in arts, I like to draw, paint; I love going to the beach, and I like partying a lot.
Ill be happy to help you with portuguese if you want.
Im a Gold member so if you wanna talk to me, let me know!
my email is lmrimolo2002 (@) (hotmail.com)

Language pair: Portuguese; English
January 7, 2008

Re:looking for French or English practice
Hi! I speak English fluently and quite a lot of French. I'm trying to learn Portuguese, but I find it really hard o.O

So we could help each other, if you'd like it!

Penny xxx

Language pair: Portuguese; English
This is a reply to message # 125148
January 8, 2008

Re:Re:looking for French or English practice
hi,penny i can help with some basic portuguese,if you can help me with french.ps;my name is jeremy you can find me in the bulletin board amd iam 13 and live in u.s.it shouldnt be hard to find me iam in the 5,6,7 aisles of this section were you gave your ad.my name is jeremy albizurez more specificaly.thanks hpe we can be friends.

Language pair: Portuguese; English
This is a reply to message # 125190

January 9, 2008


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