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Jokes - Gimme some bread please! - Language Exchange

Category: Jokes
Discussion: Gimme some bread please!

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Gimme some bread please!
We had just finished our Italian Language Course and were invited to a dinner party organized by the Italian Consulate. Most of us were making the most of the situation in showing off our newly acquired linguistic skill. There were loud "Buonasera's", "Ciao's", "Bella's". The dinner was a buffet and there were waiters serving the pastas, tortellini,spaghettis e tutti. I was in que to get some bread and the the girl just ahead of me who was next in turn was mumbling something, i couldn't make out what. As her turn came she asked the server/cheff "Mi dare del pene". The cheff was stumped and asked "Che?" She again repeated the same, "Mi dare del pene". I couldn't help but laugh. Before she could repeat herself once again I intervened, "del pane no pene". The look on the cheff's face was that of shock. I wonder if the poor girl later learnt what she was asking for? LOL

Language pair: English; Italian

April 29, 2008

Re:Gimme some bread please!
hahaha, that's a tipical joke in Spain, because every spanish who don't speak italian thought that, in Italy, "pene" is the same as in Spain.

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 131287

May 2, 2008


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