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Culture/History/Ethnology - Learning american native culture and tradition - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Learning american native culture and tradition

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Learning american native culture and tradition
Hello I am a 17 year old French girl and I would like to speak with american native of all ages.I have always been fascinated by the history of ancient culture I don't know a lot of things about american natives that's why I am looking for explanations on the languages,the spirit,the tradition,the history and many things like that.I hope that someone will help me.

Have a nice day

Language pair: French; English

May 2, 2008

Re:Learning american native culture and tradition
You would like to learn about the history of America and the people? I am American and I can tell you a little about the people here. Most people are a mixture of nationalities. For example, my mother is Sicilian. My Grand Parents are both from Sicily, Italy. Most everyone you meet has a different cultural background but it is usually from several generations back. Most people say they are a mixture. There are not very many natural blonds here. Most people have medium to dark hair. There are a lot of people coming from Mexico and Spanish is becoming widely used. It is almost the second unofficial language. Also, there are a lot of Chinese. They are thinking of offering it as a language in elementary schools. Although, as a rule, American schools do not force children to learn other languages. That is something Americans want for their children but the government doesn't inforce it.
True Native Americans are all over the US on reservations. They can choose to live there or live anywhere they want. They receive benefits if they are actual Native Americans. It is sad that there are not very many pure Native Americans anymore. (They used to be called American Indians)In the US, many reservations make their money by opening casinos. As far as I know they are not subject to the same tax as other Americans.
This will end my history lesson for today. I hope you enjoyed it and learned something.

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 131490
May 18, 2008


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