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Seeking Partners - Searching for an Italian/French teacher. - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Searching for an Italian/French teacher.

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# Message Posted By
Searching for an Italian/French teacher.
My name is Megan, and I am a 15 year old girl who lives in England.
I am looking for a teacher who can help me improve my French or Italian in exchange for me teaching you English.

I have been studying Italian for 1 year, and French for 4 years so I know some vocabularly, but want to get better!
Please contact me, as I'm not a gold member.

Thankyou :).

Language pair: Italian; French
June 22, 2008

Re:Searching for an Italian/French teacher.
Vuoi imparare italiano?.... ti posso aiutare. Ero una profesoressa di italiano alcuni anni fa, e abito in Messcio, se non trovi nessuno che sia adesso profesore potremo practicare un pó.
You can answer for this way, if you have some specific questions we can discus it, and, at the same time can you correct my english?

Language pair: Italian; French
This is a reply to message # 134604

June 24, 2008

Re:Re:Searching for an Italian/French teacher.
Hi! My name is jess and I speak English, but I'm looking to work on my italian. I can help you with english if you would like?

Language pair: Italian; English
This is a reply to message # 134768
June 25, 2008

Re:Re:Searching for an Italian/French teacher.
Ciao Patri Marq! Grazie molto, sono molto grato. Come volete fare questo?

I've been having Italian lessons for a year from a private tutor (she is an Italian woman). I know quite a bit of vocabularly, but can't hold a proper conversation. I think you will understand as we progress?

"You can answer for this way, if you have some specific questions we can discus it, and, at the same time can you correct my english?"
You should written; 'You can answer this way' and 'discuss' :).

Language pair: Italian; French
This is a reply to message # 134768
June 25, 2008

Re:Re:Re:Searching for an Italian/French teacher.
Grazie Megan per la mia correzione!, spero che mi capisca,
I'm not a gold member... It's our limit but we can try through this way.
First, I need to know your level in italian:
hai imparato i feminile e maschile?, tempo presente, pasato, futuro...? dimmi un po' non importa se non riesci a scriverlo per bene, sara una buona oportunitá per cominciare.
The house is red - La casa e rossa
the houses are red - le case sonno rosse
I go in vacation - vado in vacanze
I went in vacation - sono andato in vacanze
I'll go in vacation - andró in vacanze
posiamo cominciare qui???
we can start with this exemples? (and maybe I have mistakes in my inglish!)
Ciao e a dopo

Language pair: Italian; French
This is a reply to message # 134836

July 4, 2008

Re:Re:Re:Searching for an Italian/French teacher.
Jessica, if you would like to join us (Megan and I), could we can have a nice italian conversation, we are not gold members, are you a gold member?
Posiamo cominciare parlando un po di noi, Io ad esempio ho visuto in Italia per circa cinque anni nella cittá di Firenze, adesso ho una bambina che ha un anno e mezzo. e mi piace parlare molto de la Italia, in fatti lei si chiama Giovanna, non per niente...
ciao tutte e due, a dopo.

Language pair: Italian; English
This is a reply to message # 134828

July 4, 2008


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