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Jokes - ! hola! - Language Exchange

Category: Jokes
Discussion: ! hola!

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# Message Posted By
! hola!
Hello everybody! My name is Mary & I want to find new friends, who will help me with my spanish or english.
I can help yuo with russian! Write me! I'm waiting for your massages!

Jokes about Jaimito

- Jaimito, ¿por qué es famoso Colón?
- Por su memoria.
- ¿Por su memoria?
- Sí, porque en su monumento pone: a la memoria de Colón .

- Jaimito, ¿qué hacía Robin Hood?
- Robar a los ricos.
- ¿Por qué?
- Porque a los pobres no podía quitarles nada.

Language pair: Spanish; Russian
August 26, 2008

Re:! hola!
Hi!!!! I can Help U with Spanish and English!!!! So.... can U teach me russian??... ^.^

hola!!! yo puedo ayudarte con el español y con el ingles!!! pues... si me enseñarias ruso??.... ^.^

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 138977
Lady Nemesis
Lord Vidar

August 28, 2008

Re:Re:! hola!
Yes of course! I can teach u russian! it's very interesting language!
Have u ever been in Russia??

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 139143
August 29, 2008

Re:Re:! hola!
¡Por supuesto! Puedo te aprender de ruso! Esta idioma es muy interesante. ?Eras tu en Rusia?

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 139143
August 29, 2008

Re:Re:Re:! hola!
i wanna help U... and learn of U.. but i dont know how to contact U..... and i've neer been in russian....but i love learn languages..... i could give U my mail is....

graveworm92 @ hotmail . com

is that but whitout the spaces....

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 139177
Lady Nemesis
Lord Vidar

August 29, 2008


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