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New Member - Hi, standard english speaker, I'm standard chinese speaker - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Hi, standard english speaker, I'm standard chinese speaker

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Hi, standard english speaker, I'm standard chinese speaker
I'm a Chinese and grow up in the mainland of China. I speak Chinese fluently and I'm well-educated in China. So I can help you if you want to know China and learn Chinese. At the same time, I have learned english when I was in school--but I haven't master it. I can speak and hear some words and take some simple conversation, but it's not enough for me. I hope I can master the english ASAP and I hope we can help each other.---Now I'm in wichita falls of texas, so if you are near, pls contact me!

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin

October 26, 2008

Re:Hi, standard english speaker, I'm standard chinese speaker
Hi mike!!! my name is arwa from dubai, i'm a student in Dubai Women's College studying business program, my language is arabic but i can speak english fluently, so i hope that i can help you with that, my main reason that i contact you is that i would like you to help me as a native chinese to find out the GDP of china and the sectors in it, and i'll be thankful for your help.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
This is a reply to message # 142799
October 28, 2008


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