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Seeking Partners - german, japanese, english, espanol, chinese, esperanto-looking for exchangers - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: german, japanese, english, espanol, chinese, esperanto-looking for exchangers

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# Message Posted By
german, japanese, english, espanol, chinese, esperanto-looking for exchangers
Hi, I would like to talk to people in any of these languages. I want to practice my german, japanese, english, espanol and I do not really can chinese and esperanto, but would really like to learn it. I am a brazilian living in Japan, 20, interested in culture history, people in general. I also like sports and art. If you are interest, please contact me^^
best regards, thank you!

Language pair: Portuguese; Japanese

December 28, 2008

Re:Re:german, japanese, english, espanol, chinese, esperanto-looking for exchangers
hello jacob, I can help you with your spanish.
I would like that you could help me with english.

Language pair: Portuguese; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 146768

January 2, 2009

Re:Re:german, japanese, english, espanol, chinese, esperanto-looking for exchangers
Hi Jacob!!
thank you for answering!! I would really like to exchange, I also like martial arts and practiced kung fu for 4 years in Brasil. You can add me on skype, its lumiko miyazaki(dont remember if it is together...) or hotmail; sucodegraviolaroxa
I hope we can improve ourselves!
Thank you and best regards!

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 146768

January 5, 2009


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