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Seeking Partners - Hi, I am very interested in learning Italian and I will help you learn English - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Hi, I am very interested in learning Italian and I will help you learn English

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Hi, I am very interested in learning Italian and I will help you learn English
Hi, my name is Bonnie. I am very interested in learning Italian as I am planning to come their in June. If anyone can help me out, please message me. I will help you with your English as well. If you have any questions please ask. Thanks!

Language pair: English; Italian
February 18, 2009

Re:Hi, I am very interested in learning Italian and I will help you learn English
Hi I'm an Italian girl.I study English at the University but I really need practise to improve it..I would like to help you with Italian, I'm not a gold member

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 149582
March 1, 2009

Italian Partner Wanted
Hi - I'm looking for an Italian partner to practice my Italian with. I'll happily help with English. I'm not a Gold member as yet, but will probably join soon if I can find a partner.


Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 150156
March 19, 2009


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