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New Member - Really want to learn English:) - Language Exchange

Category: New Member
Discussion: Really want to learn English:)

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# Message Posted By
Really want to learn English:)
Hi, my name is Kasia (Kate in English) and I'm Polish. I'm new here so I don't know how it works but I want to practise my English and can also learn Polish if you want to. I live in Northern Ireland for 1,5 year. If you have time just write to me:)
Hope to hear from you soon:)

Language pair: English; Polish
March 21, 2009

Re:Really want to learn English:)
My name is Brittany and I am from the U.S. I would be happy to help you practice English!

Language pair: English; Polish
This is a reply to message # 151282

March 21, 2009

Re:Re:Really want to learn English:)
Hi Brittany,
thank you for your reply. What now? I am here for the first time so don't know.. I am learning English for long time but still it isn't as good as I wish. Now I must use that language every day so it's better than it was few years ago at school.
Tell me sth about you

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 151317
March 22, 2009

Re:Re:Re:Really want to learn English:)
I'm also new here. I joined this past weekend.

How long have you been learning English?

I've been studying music (flute) for the past six years and have decided to learn German as my second language. After I graduate, those are the two things I plan on studying in college :D

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 151349

March 23, 2009

Re:Re:Re:Re:Really want to learn English:)
Hi Brittany,
I started learning English at Primary school when I was 11... so long time ago :) then in Secondary school i had English and German (basic) and then I was studying finances and there was only a few lessons of English.. I was working as secretary so sometimes when we had visit from abroad I was using English and that's all. No I live in Northern Ireland (UK) and I speak almost every day so I have to practise more writting and speaking:) I have facebook if you have it too we can write there..

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 151427
March 24, 2009


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