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Seeking Partners - Looking for FRENCH partner. - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Looking for FRENCH partner.

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Looking for FRENCH partner.

Im looking for someone with whom I can interact with online, we can practice our French-English.

Im 22 years old and currently live in California but I cant wait to go back to France! =)

Language pair: French; English
July 17, 2009

Re:Looking for FRENCH partner.
hi. i live in istanbul and i am currently learning french.
i lived in u.s when i was a little girl so i am pretty good in english.but i want to be good in a second language:)
i am also planning to move to paris or rome to study next year so it will be nice if we help each other...

Language pair: French; Italian
This is a reply to message # 157568
July 26, 2009


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