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Seeking Partners - Spanish girl looking for an English or Portuguese partner!! - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Spanish girl looking for an English or Portuguese partner!!

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# Message Posted By
Spanish girl looking for an English or Portuguese partner!!
Hi everybody!!
I'm a Spanish girl who loves learning new languages and meeting new friends. I'd like to improve my level of English and also to learn Portuguese (I love Brazil!!).I'm not a gold member, so please, feel free to contact me.Bye!
Hola a todos!
Soy una chica española a la que le encanta aprender nuevos idiomas y tener muchos nuevos amigos.Me encantaría mejorar mi nivel de inglés y también aprender portugués (me encanta Brasil).No soy miembro de oro, así que no dudes en contactar conmigo.¡hasta luego!

Language pair: English; Portuguese
August 1, 2009

Re:Spanish girl looking for an English or Portuguese partner!!
How are you??
i want to learn spanish..
if you want to learn english i love to teach you..

Language pair: English; Portuguese
This is a reply to message # 158283
August 6, 2009

Re:Spanish girl looking for an English or Portuguese partner!!
i am portuguese so i can help you learning portuguese...and you help with spanish.what do you think?

Language pair: English; Portuguese
This is a reply to message # 158283

January 30, 2010


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