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Music/Dance - Learning more about music biz in Germany? - Language Exchange

Category: Music/Dance
Discussion: Learning more about music biz in Germany?

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# Message Posted By
Learning more about music biz in Germany?
Hello I´m from Germany and working in music business (publishing). I´ve got to improve my English. So, it would be nice to find some new friends or penpals.

Language pair: English; German
July 10, 2003

Re:Learning more about music biz in Germany?
ja i can help u learn english in exchange for german i know the basics of german well not really just a little bit.

maybe we can work with that E-mail me ASAP.
Danke, good bye cya soon

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 15810
July 14, 2003

Re:Learning more about music biz in Germany?
ummmm ja möchte ich Ihnen helfen, eglish gegen deutsche Übersetzer zu erlernen bin großes kein lol., aber mein Bruder kennt, ETWAS Deutsches aber kann nicht mich unterrichten, daß so yeah ich lieben würde zu helfen. ok now some german i know is ich comma ous amreekia and ummmm hallo there is more but i can;t remember.

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 15810
not saying

September 4, 2003

Re:Learning more about music biz in Germany?
Hi I am in the industry also working with some groups from South America to cross over to the U.S.

We have worked many stars in the states like Babyface,Tony Braxton and others. yes I am mostly in the R&B, Pop group but we are working with a rock band now.

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 15810
December 24, 2003

Re:Re:Learning more about music biz in Germany?
I think you meant "Ich komme aus Amerika", which means i am from america/ i come from america

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 18575

December 7, 2009


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