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Seeking Partners - Norwegian Language Partner - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Norwegian Language Partner

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# Message Posted By
Norwegian Language Partner
Hi. My name is Mari and I am looking for someone who can communicate Norwegian with me, I have a "teach yourself book", but it is just so boring not to be able to use the knowledge with anyone. My native language is Tagalog (Filipino), but I can speak English quite good, maybe not perfect but good enough. :)

Language pair: Norwegian; Filipino (Tagalog)

November 19, 2009

Re:Norwegian Language Partner
Hi Mari,
I am Binod Shrestha from Nepal. I am willing to improve my proficiency in Norwegian language and i am seeking partner for conversation. I have been using resources available from the internet. So, I would like to have voice chat with you. It can be useful for us both. So, do reply.
Hoping to hear from you.
Thank You.
Binod Shrestha
Kathmandu, Nepal

Language pair: Norwegian; Filipino (Tagalog)
This is a reply to message # 163606

December 10, 2009


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