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Seeking Partners - Japanese looking for Japanese/English(Italian) language exchange partners/firends - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Japanese looking for Japanese/English(Italian) language exchange partners/firends

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Japanese looking for Japanese/English(Italian) language exchange partners/firends
I have learned English seriously and like watching film in English, listen to podcast...and sometimes have opportunities to speak English, but that's not enough to improving my English.
And at also I started learning Italian
little by little after traveling to Italy,
and started having interested in Italy.
So I would like to exchange with native English speakers learning Japanese, or Italian people have interest in Japanese/Japan. Thank you in advance!

Language pair: English; Italian
January 28, 2010

Re:Japanese looking for Japanese/English(Italian) language exchange partners/firends
i could help you with the english part but i cant help you with that of italian my name is alejandro and i want to learn japanese alot so cool language and preferible kansai-ben(this one is optional)

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 167066

January 28, 2010

Re:Japanese looking for Japanese/English(Italian) language exchange partners/firends
i could help you with the english part but i cant help you with that of italian my name is alejandro and i want to learn japanese alot so cool language and preferible kansai-ben(this one is optional)ah and i could help you wit the spanish one cuz i live in panama and its my native language...but gosh ur so old>.< (34 years)

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 167066

January 28, 2010

Re:Japanese looking for Japanese/English(Italian) language exchange partners/firends
i could help you with the english part but i cant help you with that of italian my name is alejandro and i want to learn japanese alot so cool language and preferible kansai-ben(this one is optional)ah and i could help you wit the spanish one cuz i live in panama and its my native language...but gosh ur so old>.< (34 yearsT_T i prefferred a teenager cuz its mor fun ah btw im 15 years old)

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 167066

January 28, 2010

Re:Japanese looking for Japanese/English(Italian) language exchange partners/firends
I can teach you with English. Im good at it. LOL.. and I really really want to learn Japanese.,

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 167066
January 30, 2010


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