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Making Friends - Exchange of help :) I offer Polish, need German or English. - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: Exchange of help :) I offer Polish, need German or English.

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Exchange of help :) I offer Polish, need German or English.

I'm a native Polish speaker and I offer some help at it obviously :) I would like to have some friend who's online on MSN or SKYPE often. I'm a VERY poor German speaker, so that's the priority for me :)
About English, i'm a quite good learner of this lg and looking for somebody who will be just willing to share his knowledge :D
Especially for somebody who has a nice accent, coz I love accents :P It could be BBC accent or the one that Jason Statham has, lol, he's the man!

I'm a really friendly person, so don't be afraid of writing to me :)

cheers! I hope we could help eachother out!

Language pair: Polish; German

March 6, 2010

Re:Exchange of help :) I offer Polish, need German or English.
well ... i saw your profile, you are interesting to learn Thai right? i can help you with that :) here my skype: fatta.cheer

Language pair: Polish; German
This is a reply to message # 168640

April 19, 2010


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