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New Member - Hello everyone! ^_^ Spanish speaker wants to learn Finnish, Saami & Euskera!!! Jijiji - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Hello everyone! ^_^ Spanish speaker wants to learn Finnish, Saami & Euskera!!! Jijiji

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Hello everyone! ^_^ Spanish speaker wants to learn Finnish, Saami & Euskera!!! Jijiji
Well, I just created my account and because of I'm not a gold member I simply can't initiate a chat... <.<
I'm interested in learn that three languages and I can teach instead Spanish, of course, and English too (I know quite a lot...).

Ah, and here I put some information about me... :

I like folk music (in general...) like Hedningarna, Värttinä, joik music, mongolian, etc...
I like rock too :)
I'm a drawer and I love to paint and create comics, stories...
I'm studying to become a Game Designer
I like to read novels :)

Language pair: Spanish; Finnish

August 30, 2010


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