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Seeking Partners - looking for english native speaker - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: looking for english native speaker

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# Message Posted By
looking for english native speaker
hi, im korean and 25 yr,
i dont care where are you and where you born.
just want to trade each culture in english. :)
if u interest in korean culutre and language, i willing to help you.
plz dont hesitate to send message. :-)

P.S im not gold member and i dont accustomed to using this site,T-T

Language pair: Korean; English
January 30, 2011

Re:looking for english native speaker
I want to learn Korean. I am Chinese, but I live in America, so I can speak both; one thing though, I can't write/read Chinese while I can only speak it.

Language pair: Korean; English
This is a reply to message # 178440
January 30, 2011


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