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Music/Dance - The music is everything ♥ - Language Exchange

Category: Music/Dance
Discussion: The music is everything ♥

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# Message Posted By
The music is everything ♥
Hello everybody :D
I'd like to meet people who likes music as much as me.:3
Me considero una amante de la musica.
I would like to know more music of other countrys =)
I hope your messages see you..kisses ☺

Language pair: English; Spanish
April 1, 2011

Re:The music is everything ¢¾
Hey Brendy,
musica es mi vida
i love to sing to it dance to it sometimes freestyle
Tengo sangre salvadorena pero naci en los estados unidos
Si quieres hay puedemos hablar por email:P
Y hay te puedo mandar musica y artistas that I listen to.
Yo tambien me llamo Brandy but you spell mine with an 'a'.

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 179871
April 6, 2011

Re:Re:The music is everything ¢¾
Heyy so I got ur Hi!
buhh Im not a Gold Member buhh
si quieres look for me on meebo.com(:
- La.Flaca. AKA Brandy(:

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 180022
April 8, 2011


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