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Seeking Partners - Looking to learn Korean :) - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Looking to learn Korean :)

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# Message Posted By
Looking to learn Korean :)
Hello :)
My name is Sheila, and I am going to start college next year.
I grew up speaking English, so I speak it fluently. I just graduated from a half-Korean boarding school in the United States. Often, I would help my Korean friends with their English. I would really like to impress them in return by learning Korean. I don't know a lot, but I am familiar with the basics on how to read and write. If you need help with English, I am more than willing to assist you.
BUT, I'm not a gold member, so I can't e-mail. ><

Language pair: Korean; All
June 8, 2011

Re:Looking to learn Korean :)

I think I can help you. If you like!

I am studying English translation in University.

Even though my English is not that fluent, but I am willing to

help you to learn Korean. But I am sort of new in here.

I don't know how things works. I mean I don't know exactly how to

help people to learn or teach them.

Any if you are interested, leave your comment! Bye!

Language pair: Korean; All
This is a reply to message # 181419
June 9, 2011

Re:Re:Looking to learn Korean :)
I'm new to. :)

Yes, I am interested. What I need help with is learning the sentence structures, grammar rules, and lots vocabulary. If you have any questions about English, feel free to ask.

I am not entirely sure on how this site works either. It says only 'gold' members can e-mail other people. I'm not gold :/

Language pair: Korean; All
This is a reply to message # 181441
June 9, 2011

Re:Re:Re:Looking to learn Korean :)

I'm glad you are interested in.
I guess my Korean grammar is really not that good. haha.
But don't worry. I think I can handle it.

What I want to learn is English expressions in normal life
Like collocations, idioms.

But before we started to study. I guess we figure out how
we study and change our info.

Language pair: Korean; All
This is a reply to message # 181460
June 11, 2011


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