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Films/Movies - Eastern Europe films - Language Exchange

Category: Films/Movies
Discussion: Eastern Europe films

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# Message Posted By
Eastern Europe films
Hi everybody!! I became very interesting about eastern Europe since I watched Kusturica¨s films. I would like to know more about this part of Europe, so I´d apreciate very much if someone can tell me what others films I could watch. Thanks a lot and forgive my english!!!

Language pair: French; English

September 8, 2011

Re:Eastern Europe films
Hi! What Kusturica's films did you watch? There are so many great movies made here in Balkan, and it could be helpful if you tell me what kind of movies you like to watch, what genre, and I will suggest you some.
Greetings from Serbia! :)

Language pair: Serbian; English
This is a reply to message # 183579
October 15, 2011


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