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Category: Films/Movies
Discussion: Russian films

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# Message Posted By
Russian films
I was just wondering if anyone could recommend any good Russian films? The only ones I've watched so far are "ночной дозор", "Дневной дозор" and "9 рота" :)

Language pair: Russian; English
May 7, 2011

Re:Russian films
Petra, I recommend famous movie "Stalker" ("Сталкер") by Tarkovsky. This is good movie about real life in USSR and in Russia now. It was made in USSR but in according of hard censorship it was masked like about a story in far foreign country. But peoples guessing that this movie about real life in our motherland.
Also I so recommended you all other Tarkovsky's movies: "Ivanov's childhood", "Solaris" and etc. It will help you to understand russian soul.

If you want fun movie then I recommend you "Ivan Vasilevich change profession" ("Иван Васильевич меняет профессию"). It's also famous old colorful movie from Soviet times but it started and ended in gray tones of black and white. I promise you guess why it... ;-)

Petra, if you contact me privately then I can recommend you some excellent modern russian movies.
I hope you understand me! ;-)

Language pair: Russian; English
This is a reply to message # 180791
May 21, 2011

Re:Russian films
Hi Petra,
search for any film by soviet director E. Riazanov
they are all good, good actors, good dialogues, usually a mix of comedy and drama
good luck

Language pair: Russian; English
This is a reply to message # 180791

June 29, 2011

Re:Russian films
Hi Petra!

I agree to the person above, if you like Russian movies you should definitely go for Ryazanov's films. Try watching the most famous ones like "Èðîíèÿ ñóäüáû, èëè ñ ëåãêèì ïàðîì" or "Ñëóæåáíûé ðîìàí". They show the real picture of ordinary soviet citizen's life. And they are fun too. You can watch "Äîðîãàÿ Åëåíà Ñåðãååâíà" as well.

Hope it helps.

Language pair: Russian; English
This is a reply to message # 180791
July 17, 2011

Re:Re:Russian films
Rogue Ryazanov produced soviet propaganda movies only about ideal society in which even all problems is solved perfectly. There was nothing from reality and nothing truth.
His movies is so small known now in Russia even...

Language pair: Russian; English
This is a reply to message # 182230
July 22, 2011

Re:Re:Re:Russian films
Dear Evgenii, I appreciate your opinion about his movies but you can't just cut straight away saying that there's no truth in them. Besides, his movies weren't dedicated to the ideal society, take "Äîðîãàÿ Åëåíà Ñåðãååâíà" for example: if you want to live in an "ideal society" like that, I feel really sorry for you.

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Language pair: Russian; English
This is a reply to message # 182360
September 12, 2011

Re:Re:Russian films
Yes, "The dog's heart" is a interest serious soviet movie about a past but valid and for a now... ;)

Language pair: Russian; English
This is a reply to message # 185253
November 10, 2011


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