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Seeking Partners - Japanese looking for native English or Italian speakers - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Japanese looking for native English or Italian speakers

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Japanese looking for native English or Italian speakers
1.I am Japanese still learning english , I speak english but my pronounciation is japa- english.
So hope to find somebody correct both of pronounciation each other.
2. I just started leaning italiano:
I already traveled to Italy three time but always regret not speak italian.

If you want I will help your japanse .
Also hopefully to find somebody living in kyoto or Kansai .
Thanks! Grazie!

Language pair: English; Italian
November 15, 2011

Re:Japanese looking for native English or Italian speakers
if you reaally want to learn english i can help with that do you want to learn proper english or conversational english and can you teach me japanese i want to travel to japan but would feel like a loser if i didn't know the language

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 185441

December 29, 2011

Re:Japanese looking for native English or Italian speakers
Hello! I'm Brazilian, but I've lived in US for 1 year, so my English is pretty ok! =)
I'm in vacations in Kyoto right now, and would be nice to have someone from here to talk and ask for hints.

See ya!

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 185441

May 13, 2012


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