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Study Abroad - Re:Who want´s to learn German? - Language Exchange

Category: Study Abroad
Discussion: Re:Who want´s to learn German?

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# Message Posted By
Re:Who want´s to learn German?
Hi Barbara,
I am Lauri from the USA. I am looking for people to practice speaking German with. I am a beginner, so I want to start out with text chat / e-mail / fora.
(I am a native English speaker, if you ever want help with English.)

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 188719

July 14, 2012

Re:Who wants to learn German?
Hi, My name is Lala. I'm learning German at the moment, and I'd like to find some German speakers to practice with. I'm still a beginner (A2 level), and I'd appreciate text and voice chat or email exchange.

Hallo, mein Name ist Lala. Ich lerne Deutsch und suche man mit wem ich kann Ubung machen. Ich kann mit Englisch helfen.

Vielen Dank!/Thank you!

Mit freundlichen Grussen

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 188719
August 14, 2012


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