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Seeking Partners - English speaker wanting to learn Norwegian (bokmål) - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: English speaker wanting to learn Norwegian (bokmål)

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# Message Posted By
English speaker wanting to learn Norwegian (bokmål)
Hi there

I'm a native English speaker, looking for some people to learn Norwegian (bokmål) from. I'm also curious about ethnic Norwegian culture and traditions, so I want to learn more about this, too.

I went to Norway on a work placement earlier this year, and returning to the UK I've been feeling "starved"...

I enjoy heavy metal, mythology, folklore (I even bought myself a copy of Asbjørnsen and Moe when I was in Oslo) and doodling around, if that says anything about my interests.

Sadly I'm not a gold member (yet), so I can't yet contact people myself, but I'd like to hear from anyone who can help me practice speaking and writing skills.

Takk skal du ha.



Language pair: English; Norwegian
Kulsoom Ann

October 1, 2012


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