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Music/Dance - One Direction Fan - Language Exchange

Category: Music/Dance
Discussion: One Direction Fan

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# Message Posted By
One Direction Fan
Hey! Im Mexican and i Speak English and Spanish! I want so bad to Learn Irish! So so much! I also love One direction of anyone is interested you can talk to me! Bope you can help me! I love IRELAND!

Hey! Soy mexicana y hablo español e ingles, Me encantaria aprender Irlandes!! Amo a one direction tanto como amo a Irlanda! Ojala me puedan ayudar a aprender este hermoso idioma! Cntactename!

Language pair: English; Gaelic (Irish)

January 2, 2013

Re:One Direction Fan
Ehi I love One Direction too! I've met their! Last month at The X Factor Studios (Italy). Have you mer their? :)
You're favourite songs? :D
Kiss kiss.

Language pair: English; Gaelic (Irish)
This is a reply to message # 195484
Rebecca Elisa

January 17, 2013

Re:One Direction Fan
La lingua de Ireland es Gaelic. Yo soy Irish even though yo vivo en Estados Unidos. Gaelic es un dying lingua only spoken in Ireland and class rooms. Pero esto es muy bonita y yo muy muy felis tu want to learn esto.

Language pair: English; English
This is a reply to message # 195484

February 9, 2013


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