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Seeking Partners - wanna learn french and improve english! Can you help me? - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: wanna learn french and improve english! Can you help me?

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wanna learn french and improve english! Can you help me?
Hi everyone, I would like to improve my english, is there anyone that can help me?

salut à tout le monde, je voudrais apprendre le français... il y a quelqu'un que peut m'aider?

Language pair: Italian; French
May 1, 2013

Re:wanna learn french and improve english! Can you help me?
ciao Sarah,
sono Vanessa, posso aiutarti a imparare il francese. io sono francese, sono stata in italia (ma non parlo piu bene l'italiano)e in irlanda. Ho fatto ragazza alla pari.
se vuoi possiamo parlare insieme.

Language pair: Italian; French
This is a reply to message # 198008
May 3, 2013

Re:Re:wanna learn french and improve english! Can you help me?
Salut! Je m'appelle Diana , je voudrais me rappeler le francais , je l'etudie dans l'universite , mais maintenant j'ai les diffucultes de communiquer en francais .... ma premiere question - comment travaille ce site? :-):-) tu le sais ?

Language pair: Italian; French
This is a reply to message # 198061

May 5, 2013


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