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Seeking Partners - Native Italian/Spanish speakers who want to learn English - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Native Italian/Spanish speakers who want to learn English

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# Message Posted By
Native Italian/Spanish speakers who want to learn English
My name is Justin. I am 16 years old and a multiracial citizen of Canada and the Great Britain. I am a native English speaker who is FAIRLY competent in French.

I would love to correspond with a native Italian/Spanish speaker in order to become fluent in either language myself. In return, I would provide as much friendly English help as possible! Thanks in advance:)

Language pair: Italian; Spanish

June 5, 2013

Re:Native Italian/Spanish speakers who want to learn English
I am a native Italian/English speaker currently living in Italy. I don't need anything in exchange (English is my 2nd mothertongue)but I'm available to teach you Italian.

Language pair: Italian; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 198677
June 21, 2013

Re:Re:Native Italian/Spanish speakers who want to learn English
Hi, I am a native speaker of English, but I would love to learn Italian as I am very interested in Italian. Please teach me! I have ZERO knowledge of Italian.. =(

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
This is a reply to message # 198962
Jia Xuan

July 8, 2013

Re:Native Italian/Spanish speakers who want to learn English
Hi! I'm a native Spanish speaker, looking for an English/Spanish exchange, If you are interested in, just e-mail me :)

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 198677
July 12, 2013


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