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Seeking Partners - I`m waiting for you guys who wanna be a good friend with me:D - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: I`m waiting for you guys who wanna be a good friend with me:D

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# Message Posted By
I`m waiting for you guys who wanna be a good friend with me:D
Good morning. I`m SeoYeong, just call me Sena.
I`m looking for freinds who are interested in Korea. If you wanna learn Korean, I`d effort that for us! Seeya

Language pair: Korean; All

August 10, 2013

Re:I`m waiting for you guys who wanna be a good friend with me:D
hiya i'm very interested in learning korean, would you like to help me some time?

Language pair: Korean; All
This is a reply to message # 200041
August 14, 2013


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