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Seeking Partners - Ciao! My native language is English, and I'm looking to find an Italian pen pal! Sto cercando per un'amico di penna italiano! - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Ciao! My native language is English, and I'm looking to find an Italian pen pal! Sto cercando per un'amico di penna italiano!

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Ciao! My native language is English, and I'm looking to find an Italian pen pal! Sto cercando per un'amico di penna italiano!

I'm a complete beginner, but I'm slowly learning Italian, and I'd love to e-mail regularly with someone from Italy! I'm interested in learning more Italian, improving my conversation skills, learning about the Italian culture, and helping anyone that's looking to practice their English!
I'm a 20-year-old college student (my major is Molecular and Cell Biology) in the United States, specifically Texas. I've visited Italy once, and will hopefully be visiting again this summer! I absolutely love the language and culture so far, so I'm excited to get to start emailing with someone!
Please email me if you're interested! :)

Language pair: English; Italian

October 17, 2013


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