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Seeking Partners - Looking for a nice, friendly, and patient native Korean speaker! - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Looking for a nice, friendly, and patient native Korean speaker!

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Looking for a nice, friendly, and patient native Korean speaker!
Hi there! I'm Monica and I'm trying to teach myself Korean but it would be awesome to have someone to converse with back and forth. I'm not sure how great a teacher I would be but I think just having regular conversations back and forth would be a great help! If anyone is interested please feel free to contact me! ^^_

Language pair: English; Korean
November 30, 2013

Re:Looking for a nice, friendly, and patient native Korean speaker!
Hi Monica. I am HJ from Korea. If you want to know all about Korean i can tell you that. In return i would be really happy for you to teach speaking And writing. I will wait for your reply

Language pair: English; Korean
This is a reply to message # 202792
January 3, 2014


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