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Seeking Partners - Hello Everyone ! - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Hello Everyone !

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Hello Everyone !
Hii! I'm from Brazil and I want to practice my English and some learn French with you . I speak fluent Portuguese and i can help and teach those who are learning this language. :)))

Thanks in advance!!

Language pair: Portuguese; English
April 6, 2014

Re:Hello Everyone !
Hi Lana,

my name is Suley and I have just arrived in Brazil a few weeks ago. I am in the country for the next 6 months and would love to learn more Portuguese. I taught kids English for a short time in Ethiopia a few years ago. Are you based in Rio by any chance?

Best wishes,

Suley x

Language pair: Portuguese; English
This is a reply to message # 205725

April 8, 2014

Re:Re:Hello Everyone !
Hi Suleyman,

First of all , Bem vindo ao Brasil! 6 months it's a good time to learn the basics of the Portuguese. I have to say you that Portuguese isn't a very easy language to learn , but if you really want to learn , you will. And no , i'm not based in Rio.

Lana , :)))

Language pair: Portuguese; English
This is a reply to message # 205771
April 8, 2014


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