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Seeking Partners - Finding a native Korean speaker in Hong Kong!!!! English people are also welcomed:) - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Finding a native Korean speaker in Hong Kong!!!! English people are also welcomed:)

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Finding a native Korean speaker in Hong Kong!!!! English people are also welcomed:)
Hi, I'm Yuki from Hong Kong. I want to invite a native Korean speaker to teach me Korean as I do have some financial issue and it makes me hard to afford the tutorial fee of the Korean courses. My study target is achieving the forth level of the TOPIK test and I have very basic knowledge of Korean. Hope someone who is Korean and stays in Hong Kong can help me. I'm welcomed to teach you any Cantonese, thanks a lot. If you want to meet me in Hong Kong, it is possible for us to meet in person. Apart from this, I want to meet a native English speaker on the internet, if you want to learn more about the Cantonese, Mandarin or even the local culture of Hong Kong, you can contact me too. I'm not a gold member, please send me an email.

Language pair: Korean; English
June 5, 2014


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