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Seeking Partners - Mission Impossible !!!!!!!!! - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Mission Impossible !!!!!!!!!

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# Message Posted By
Mission Impossible !!!!!!!!!
How is hard to find peoples that really would exchange a language . First I continue please excuse me for my broken english .... but as said in the "subject" is pretty impossible to find someone that , seriously , want to help someone else . From my "gold member" day subscription , and everyday , I search peoples and send two , three or more emails and many "free hi" . Someone answer with a "free hi" but nothing else .... only silence . Until March I found only a person and , I'm feeling very happy with she , after ...... full empty .
My impression is that everyone is searching for somewhat else ... I don't know what . Maybe I must search for and advertiser that fill my profile with an handsome picture (but fake) and some jingle ....
My question is : have I bad luck or is quite normal what happen ? Maybe I'm too old (50 y.o.) and I've not the right to receive something ... BIG QUESTION !!!



Language pair: English; Italian
May 31, 2014

Re:Mission Impossible !!!!!!!!!
Hello Angelo!
If I understand correctly you can not find anyone to contact you. I do not speak Italian very well. I can not send you a mail because I am not a gold member.
Non so se lei è membro d'oro.
Vi auguro una buona serata.

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 207317

June 16, 2014

Re:Mission Impossible !!!!!!!!!
Ciao Angelo. Mi chiamo Sue e come te non sono giovane. Sarei felice a aiutatgli imprare la lingua inglese e mi piace molto se potrebbe aiutarme a parlare italiano piu bene! Comunque non sono un membo d'oro se puo email con me farebbe bene! Grazie sue.

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 207317

August 5, 2014


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