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Seeking Partners - Italian/English Exchange - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Italian/English Exchange

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Italian/English Exchange

I am fluent in English and would like to practice my Italian. I have studied it for four years and have lived in Rome for a couple months, but I do not get to practice often while in the U.S.

I am a 24-year-old female studying law and hope to live in Italia someday. Please message me to chat, grazie mille :)

Language pair: English; Italian
August 10, 2015

Re:Italian/English Exchange
Ciao Briannon,

Sono un "ragazzo" Italiano di 41 anni e vorrei migliorare il mio inglese. Mi piacerebbe avere una laguage exchange partner per praticare il mio inglese e per imparare gli usui e costumi Americani.

Preferisco corrispondere con ragazze perchè voglio migliorare il mio vocabolario anche al di fuori dei comuni argomenti da maschi (e.g. motori, calcio etc.).


Hi Briannon,

I'm a 41 years old Italian guy and I would like to improve my English. I'd like having a language exchange partner in order to practice my English and discover USA habits and lifestyle.

I prefer exchanging with girls because I want to improve my vocabulary also outside the common guys arguments (e.g. motorsports, football etc.).


Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 217186
November 2, 2015


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