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Vacations/Travels - Visiting Fukuoka in March 2016 - Language Exchange

Category: Vacations/Travels
Discussion: Visiting Fukuoka in March 2016

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# Message Posted By
Visiting Fukuoka in March 2016
Hi guys, im visiting Fukuoka in March for 5 days and i was wondering if there is any good places/guides/people to recommend.

It's my first time going there, it wld be great to have someone with japanese language to guide and assist my stay there.

Language pair: English; All

February 2, 2016

Re:Visiting Fukuoka in March 2016
Hey man, I'm interesting to go to Fukuoka but i don't know how it coup be possible because I'm from Morocco and I don't have any information so can you help me ?

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 220879
March 2, 2016


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