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New Member - I'm a Japanese speaker. universtiy student - Language Exchange

Category: New Member
Discussion: I'm a Japanese speaker. universtiy student

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# Message Posted By
I'm a Japanese speaker. universtiy student
Hello. This is the first time to use this site.
I'm willing to teach Japanese to studying people.

I'm looking for English Speakers.off course Non-neative speaker is also good for me.

if you are interested in Japanese,please send messeges me.
よろしくお願いしますm(・_・)m←Japanese emoticon

Language pair: English; All
sho chann
September 27, 2016

Re:I'm a Japanese speaker. universtiy student
Hi there! I'm Farah. I'm interested to do language exchange with you and become friends. :) Oh, btw I'm from Malaysia.

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 227042

September 29, 2016

Re:I'm a Japanese speaker. universtiy student
Hi! I want to continue learning Japanese, but I am stuck because I am afraid of speaking!
I would love to teach English to you! My name is Seijin!

Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 227042

September 29, 2016


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