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New Member - Talking about everything you want, besides learning languages (English, german, greek) - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Talking about everything you want, besides learning languages (English, german, greek)

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Talking about everything you want, besides learning languages (English, german, greek)
Hey, I am a 21 year-old male from germany. I am interested in a lot of subjects, especially ones including natural sciences like chemistry, biology, toxicology and also philosophy, psychology ...etc Feel free to invite me into a conversation about any theme you like, i am open minded to everything. I would like to practise my english skills, I can also speek greek, but not fluently.

Language pair: German; English

January 28, 2017

Re:Talking about everything you want, besides learning languages (English, german, greek)
Hi, I'm Anastasia and live in the U.S. I'm interested in learning about different cultures and places, I know a little bit of Greek, and could help you practice English.

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 229700
January 31, 2017

Re:Talking about everything you want, besides learning languages (English, german, greek)
Hi Kostas,
I think I can help you practice your English, especially since you like the natural sciences. I studied in a science high school and studied Biology in college for one year where of course we had to learn mathematics and chemistry also. Do you want to focus on writing or speaking, or both?
I hope in exchange you can help me improve my German. :)

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 229700

February 21, 2017


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