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New Member - Hello everyone ! - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Hello everyone !

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Hello everyone !
Hi, everyone ! My name is Alyona. I'm from Russia. I'm interested in baby talking because I've got a toddler. I want to know how people in the USA and in Britain talks to their children. I will be happy if you can help me to learn new words and phrases from baby talking.
Thanks a lot.

Language pair: Russian; English

March 29, 2017

Re: talking to toddlers
Привет Алёна,

when our teenager was a toddler, I don’t think that my wife and I used any special baby talk to speak to her. We did use standard childish words, e.g. “poop” as noun and verb (кака, какать). Are there particular Russian words or phrases that are used when talking to toddlers which you’re thinking of? Perhaps I could find English equivalents for those Russian words or phrases.

Language pair: Russian; English
This is a reply to message # 231446
March 30, 2017


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