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Seeking Partners - Hi Elena, Laura and Giulia Cacciola! - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Hi Elena, Laura and Giulia Cacciola!

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Hi Elena, Laura and Giulia Cacciola!
Hi dear Elena ( Baden-Württemberg ) , Laura ( Rome ) and Giulia ( Verona )!
All three of you sent me a "Hi" but since I am not a gold member, I am unable to initiate a response.
Pardon me.
I am finding ways to reach all three of you but the limitations here making it hard.
I am looking forward to practice German and Italian with native speakers. I am very sure the three of you would be great learning partners, please alert me if you found ways to communicate.
Looking forward to hear from you.

Language pair: German; Italian
December 2, 2017


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