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New Member - Interested in learning French - Language Exchange

Category: New Member
Discussion: Interested in learning French

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Interested in learning French
Hi my name is Lizal I'm a 35 year old female. Im new year and would like to learn French. Planning to enroll for French classes next year, meanwhile would like to find someone to practice French with. The languages which I am fluent is English and Afrikaans.

Language pair: French; English

May 28, 2020

Re:Interested in learning French
Hi Lizal

As you said in your introduction, I could be of use to you in French if, however, the proposal still stands!

All in all, I also wanted to work my English and learn, in fact, Afrikaans. So, looking forward to discussing.

Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 237587
August 31, 2020

Re:Interested in learning French
Sorry I didn't introduce myself, I am Khem. I am 42.

Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 237587
August 31, 2020


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