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New Member - Excited to learning french - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Excited to learning french

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# Message Posted By
Excited to learning french
Hello everyone! I was born in the United States, though I currently live in Nicaragua. I'm 20 years old, and I love languages. Being born in the USA but with a family that speaks spanish as their native language, I grew in an environment which allowed me to quickly learned english and spanish easily, so I speak both languages fluently.

However, I've always been interested in learning the third language. French has always been a language that I've been very interested in learning. It has many similarities with both english and spanish, which makes it one of the best choices for me to learn.

During my childhood days I would study it more casually and didn't put too much effort to it, as it was more of a hobby, but recently I've taken the decision to take things more seriously and dedicate enough time and effort to actually learn the language. I've been studying french at Duolingo, and while that's been helpful to learn vocabulary and sentence structures, I would really like to practice with a native french speaker in order to improve.

I'm still a beginner at french, but as I mentioned, I'm fluent at a native level in both english and spanish, so if you want someone to practice either of those languages with, I'll be glad to help.

As for my interests, I really like videogames. I've even started learning programming because I want to make my own games as well. I also love to write stories as well, so if you'd like stories to read in order to practice either english or spanish, I can write short and personalized stories for you to read and practice.

I hope to meet new people and maybe even make friends in the process! Have a great day!

Language pair: English; French
October 8, 2020


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