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New Member - Can you help a native English speaker with their German conversation skills ? (Beginner Level) - Language Exchange

Category: New Member
Discussion: Can you help a native English speaker with their German conversation skills ? (Beginner Level)

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Can you help a native English speaker with their German conversation skills ? (Beginner Level)
Hi everyone,

I am a new member and looking for a native German speaker to help my level of confidence with German conversation skills. The aim is to develop a basic level of conversation in order to speak to people in Germany. I am an English native speaker, who lives in England, and I also happen to teach English Literature. So for all things English, do get in touch :) p.s. I am not a 'gold member' but I might change that if it is not possible to contact people. Vielen Dank.

Language pair: German; English
October 28, 2020


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