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Seeking Partners - Looking for a mandarin language exchange partner - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Looking for a mandarin language exchange partner

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Looking for a mandarin language exchange partner
I am Canadian born Chinese in my twenties looking to reconnect with my heritage and improve my mandarin. I can speak conversationally in mandarin, but I am very poor in reading/writing. I'm out of school and working full time now in tech in the USA. In my free time, I enjoy playing sports, cooking + eating, playing online games, hiking, and listening to podcasts/watching Youtube videos. Now that we are in quarantine for Covid19, many of my hobbies are not feasible, so it is the perfect opportunity for me to focus more on improving my mandarin. In 'exchange', I am happy to help you with English.

I am not a gold member, so please reply in this thread and we can exchange contact information.

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
November 10, 2020


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