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Vacations/Travels - Travel is so expensive! - Language Exchange

Category: Vacations/Travels
Discussion: Travel is so expensive!

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Travel is so expensive!
Dear Friends in the international community,

I am frustrated, and disheartened! Ive just spent several hours searching the almighty internet for a low cost method of international travel. I plan to backpack around the Pacific Rim, and want to do it on a poor mans funds. Apparently such an idea is absurd in this day and age! I have nautical skills as well, and it seems ideas such as "work for passage" And short term contract dont exist anymore. Several thousand dollars, or Piles of paperwork and months of my life are required to travel by sea. Air fare is the cheapest, and the cheapest price for the first leg of my voyage is $842! That is no poor mans budget! If anyone knows how to travel inexpensively and with out complications, please share the brilliance.


Language pair: English; All

February 22, 2004

Re:Travel is so expensive!
I sympathize with your problem. Have you tried to fly as a courier? Research the internet for "air couriers". Sometimes you fly with great discounts, sometimes even for free.Good luck.Art.

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 26505
March 16, 2004


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