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Films/Movies - the monty python's - Language Exchange

Category: Films/Movies
Discussion: the monty python's

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# Message Posted By
the monty python's
i want to speak about the best comical band in all the world: the monty python's
for me "the meaning of life" is their best film
if you know the monty python's, speak me about they

Language pair: French; All
January 14, 2005

Re:the monty python's
Hi Antoine!
Est-ce-que tu as vu les films ''Life of Brian'' ou ''Holy Grail'' de Monty Python? Parce que je pense que ces sont les plus amusants de tous les films Monty Python!
Ju suis une fille anglaise et j'aime Monty Python, surtout John Cleese qui je pense est vraiment drôle!
bye, Fiona :)

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 42819
February 9, 2005

Re:the monty python's
Hey! Have you ever seen the movie Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail? Its genius! Its actually being made into a broadway play in New York, USA.

Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 42819
February 16, 2005


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