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Seeking Partners - desire for learning about Greece? - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: desire for learning about Greece?

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desire for learning about Greece?
Hello everybody!
I am Rania and I come from Greece. I love learning other languages and I enjoy getting in touch with several cultures and mentalities.
Particularly interested in mediterranean languages and cultures, but other ones are also welcome.
Everyone who wants a bi-lingual correspondance, is gladly asked to come up in english, french, german or italian to put the foot in the ladder!

Language pair: Greek; All
March 7, 2006

Re:Re:desire for learning about Greece?
Hi Crystina!

I am not a gold member so we can only exchange short messages on the bulletin board.

Let's correspond in French (or English) and exchange small phrases in greek to start with.Tell me something about you or your school.

Bye, so long!

Language pair: Greek; All
This is a reply to message # 73533
March 13, 2006


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