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New Member - Native English speaker looking to exchange with native Spanish speaker... - Language Exchange

Category: New Member
Discussion: Native English speaker looking to exchange with native Spanish speaker...

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# Message Posted By
Native English speaker looking to exchange with native Spanish speaker...
Hi, I would like to improve my Spanish. I know the very basics, and I need to know more for business and for personal reasons. I can help you learn English. Ideally, I would like to do voice chat (voip) as I think acually speaking Spanish would best help me.
I am open to starting off with email/IM chat.

Language pair: English; Spanish
March 21, 2006

Re:Native English speaker looking to exchange with native Spanish speaker...
Hi Norbert. I'm Ruben. 35 years old. I live in Mexico and sure I can help you.

Asi que ... por donde empezamos amigo?

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 74166

March 22, 2006

Re:Native English speaker looking to exchange with native Spanish speaker...
Hello Norbert I am from Argentina, i cant speak fluently english nor write it, but i think if you help me with my english i will help you with your spanish. kiss Madelan

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 74166
March 23, 2006

Re:Native English speaker looking to exchange with native Spanish speaker...
Hello Norbert I am from Argentina, i cant speak fluently english nor write it, but i think if you help me with my english i will help you with your spanish. kiss Madelan
please write me as soon as possible.i hope on you

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 74166
March 23, 2006

Re:Re:Native English speaker looking to exchange with native Spanish speaker...
"Donde empezamos.." no se..
Well, I'm not a gold member so I can't contact you or give you my contact info here...

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 74215
April 13, 2006

Re:Re:Native English speaker looking to exchange with native Spanish speaker...
Well, I'm not a gold member so I can't contact you or give you my contact info here... hum...

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 74254
April 13, 2006

Gold member now...
Ruben and Maria,

I've sent you email. Please check. I've been gone a while but I'm back and am still seeking language partners. Thanks.

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 75361
April 14, 2006


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