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Jokes - Are you advices for to improve my english? - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Are you advices for to improve my english?

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Are you advices for to improve my english?
Hello everybody my name is Carine, I am 21 (this 31 auguste next), I want to improve my english in fact I would like to have more vocabulary and to improve my grammar and my orale communication. Are you advices for ways for to easy my learn? For example for the vocabulary I need a repertory or no?
Know you magazines who can help me for leanr english?
Thank you

Language pair: French; English
July 23, 2006

Re:Are you advices for to improve my english?
Carine, Je m'apple carson. Je sais un peu fransais but your english is very good. If I can help I would be glad to. Please email me as I would also like to improve on my limited french.
J'aime francais!

Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 83114
July 25, 2006


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